Mobile Trends 2009/2010

Januar 19, 2010 | Mobile, Trendlinks

Auf quantcast steht eine Studie zu den mobilen Trends 2009 und Ableitungen für 2010 bereit als .pdf.

Die Studie zeigt schön, wie sich Apple aus dem Stand das größte Stück vom Apfelkuchen gesichert hat.

Hier die Studie-Highlights:

  • North American mobile web share up 110% in 2009 (Dec ’09 vs. Dec ’08)
  • Global mobile web consumption share up 148% in 2009
  • Apple continues to dominate, though market share has declined as increased competition emerges
  • Android supports over 12% of North American mobile web pageviews, overtaking RIM’s Blackberry
  • Motorola’s Android based Droid is the most impressive market entry since the iPhone and is largely responsible for a 10x improvement in Motorola’s North American mobile web share
  • Apple, Nintendo, Motorola and HTC saw the largest ‘stocking stuffer’ bounce this past holiday season, and
  • Pre-launch web visibility points to a wide variety of new devices from Motorola, HTC, Blackberry and others in 2010

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